Our Mission
Kairos Outside is designed to support the families of men, women, and youth who are , or have been incarcerated in the country's state and federal correctional facilities. Kairos Outside can help bolster the loved ones who are supporting those incarcerated persons. We believe that the families of the incarcerated are "doing time" right along with their loved ones..
What Happens at a Kairos Outside Weekend?
The Weekend Retreat is a series of talks and activities by women sharing their life journey. Each Guest has the opportunity to review the talks in a small family group. However, sharing in the small family group is voluntary. The program is interspersed with music, prayer, fun activities and general pampering. The Weekend is Christian in nature, although no religious affiliation is necessary to attend. Those who attend are expected to stay for the entire program.
Any adult female who is at least 20 years old and whose life has been impacted by the incarceration of relatives/friends, is eligible to attend a Kairos Outside Weekend.
Women, who did not have an opportunity to attend a Kairos Weekend while incarcerated, may also attend AFTER they have been released for one year with the approval of their probation officer.
The Team is made up of approximately twenty-eight women, six men (cooks!) and two clergy-women. Many of the Team Members may be active in the Kairos Prison Ministry in various institutions throughout the U.S. All team members come from many different Christian denominations and are committed to ministering to families of the incarcerated.
Weekend #36 - September 13-15,2024
Guest registration is open.
Please note that ALL Kairos Outside Weekend activities are drug, alcohol, and fragrance free. We strive to be respectful to guests and our fellow Kairos team members.
How Long is a Kairos Outside Weekend? The Weekend begins Friday night at 6:00 pm and ends on Sunday afternoon around 4:00 pm..
What is the cost to attend a Kairos Outside Weekend? There is no cost to the Guests. The funds are provided by local Christian Communities.
Where do I stay during The Weekend retreat? The Weekend is held at a local retreat center or camp. The facility, generally, provides everything except personal articles. Dress is casual and comfortable.
Weekend group photos are not publicly posted or shared on any website or social media pages. These are distributed only to guests who attend that specific retreat.
Do I have to be a Christian to come on The Weekend? No. All we ask is for the Guests to be open to discussions from a Christian perspective.
What shall I tell my husband about the men on the team? The men are present only to prepare and serve the meals. They do not participate in any of the Community Room activities or interact with the Guests.
Why should I give up a weekend visit with my relative/friend to attend a Kairos Outside Weekend? Your journey is often difficult. Many people in the outside world do not understand your position and may reject you. The Weekend is designed to give you support from women who are in the same situation, and from other Christian women who care about you and those who are incarcerated.